Nonhuman Minds: Animal, Artificial or Other Minds

Cognitio 2011

Young researchers conference in cognitive science

Montréal, July 3rd, 4th and 5th 2011

The goal of this conference is to show current (theoretical and empirical) trends in cognitive science, and to allow academic exchanges between young researchers of various disciplines interested by the same topics. Graduate students in cognitive science, robotics, biology, cognitive anthropology, psychology, linguistics, philosophy and neuroscience neuroscience will be presenting.

The theme for this year is nonhuman minds.

Please take a look at the conference schedule.

The conference will be held at the University of Quebec in Montreal on July 3rd, 4th and 5th 2011.

Presentations will be in room SH-3620 of the Pavillon Sherbrooke (200, Sherbrooke West).

Please note that for Sunday July 3rd only, you will need to access Pavillon Sherbrooke through Pavillon Président-Kennedy, 201, avenue du Président-Kennedy.

Keynote speakers

Don Ross Don Ross
Department of Philosophy, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Faculty of Commerce, University of Cape Town
Estranged parents and a schizophrenic child: choice in psychology, economics and neuroeconomics
Luc-Alain Giraldeau Luc-Alain Giraldeau
Department of Biological Science, UQAM
Animals playing game theory: a look at choice and decision in a frequency-dependent world

About Cognitio

Cognitio was founded in 2004 by Benoit Hardy-Vallée. It has been growing in popularity and influence ever since. It is now a biennial event, alternating every other year with UQAM's Institute of Cognitive Science's Summer School.